Header image closeup of leather and etched zinc championship belt with blue color-filling

Wrestling & Championship Belts

Pella Engraving & Sign Company etches zinc plates for wrestling and other championship belts. The benefits of engraved plates from PEC include quick turnaround times and a high-quality, long-lasting belt you can be proud of.

To create the belt, our team etches the zinc plates working from a design provided by the customer. Thicknesses of .064″ and .125″ are available.


Once the engraving is complete, we can:

  • Cut out irregularly shaped plates
  • Bend plates to customer specifications
  • Put studs on the plates’ backs or drill holes in plates

Read what one satisfied customer has to say about our etched zinc plates.

Note: PEC does not provide plating, paint filling, or leather work for wrestling and championship belts.

Ready to get started on your championship belt?

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