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1811 Washington St

Pella, IA 50219

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Signs First

Signs First

Signs First in Jackson, Tennessee, owned by John Nelson and his brother, specializes in producing digital and vinyl signage. They create vehicle wraps, interior architectural signage, window lettering, truck lettering—almost anything but lighted signs. Signs First is...

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PEC upgrades packaging process

Safer, greener, quicker—the Hannan Skin Packaging Machine® has many advantages over PEC's previous packaging process. "We've been using the machine since October and the customers who have seen the results have been very impressed," says PEC Co-Owner Bruce Van Wyk....

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PEC creates outdoor sign for Wiskus Group

PEC creates outdoor sign for Wiskus Group

Mark Wiskus of the Wiskus Group, an estate and retirement income planning firm located in Pella, Iowa, knew the signage in front of his building would say a lot about his company before clients even said a word to him. So, he needed a sign that projected the right...

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FAQ: Zinc plaques vs. bronze casting plaques

What is the difference between an acid-etched zinc plaque and a bronze casting plaque? You can order either a zinc or a bronze casting plaque from Pella Engraving Company. A bronze casting plaque is created with a poured mold process and the font size must be at least...

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